Exploring Hamburg

I created a website for one of my hobbies: I explore Hamburg, mostly walking, sometimes biking to find out more about the individual districts and to shoot photos. There are 109 districts in Hamburg and I plan to walk them all, street by street.

The website is mostly a photography blog, but I also write short essays about the districts. The website is written in English, so visitors from around the world can find out places to visit while staying in Hamburg.

Color Palette

R0 G0 B0 
H0 S0 L0 
R30 G36 B51 
H223 S26 L16 
R37 G51 B88 
H224 S41 L25 
R66 G65 B63 
H40 S2 L25 
R193 G151 B85 
H37 S47 L55 
R255 G255 B255 
H0 S0 L100 

Typefaces IM Fell English and Playfair Display


Tablet & Phone