Introduction to Gulp.js 11: Production Build, Server and Jekyll

4 min read

This is the 11th part of my series Introduction to Gulp.js. Today I will start writing the production build task, set up a server to view the production code, and build the production site with Jekyll.

In development I used the default Gulp.js tasks to run the development server, building the assets, and watching for changes. For production, I will need another entry point.

I decided to name my task publish. Later I am able to get a production build with the command gulp publish.


var gulp = require("gulp");

 * Run task browsersync:production
gulp.task("publish", ["browsersync:production"]);

I put this file on the same level as the default.js file. This task is short and sweet: It does only one thing. Start a BrowserSync task for production. This way I can have a look at the production site before deploying it to my server.

BrowserSync for Production

All production tasks will live in a folder production/ inside of gulp/tasks/. I name the tasks of development and production the same but put them in different folders.


browsersync: {
  development: {
  production: {
    server: {
      baseDir: [production]
    port: 9998

The only differences to the browsersync of development are these: I serve only the production folder and use a different port for the server. This way I can run development and production in parallel.


var gulp = require("gulp");
var browsersync = require("browser-sync");
var config = require("../../config").browsersync.production;

 * Start a server and watch changes with BrowserSync
gulp.task("browsersync:production", ["build:production"], function () {

This task is boring. It just starts the production build.

Build Task for Production


var gulp = require("gulp");
var runSequence = require("run-sequence");

 * Run all tasks needed for a build in the defined order
gulp.task("build:production", function (callback) {
    ["sass", "scripts", "images", "copy:fonts"],

A lot is going on in this task: I run tasks in a specific order with run-sequence. First I delete the assets folder for fresh creation. Then I run the Jekyll build for production, create the development assets as I did in development. And after this is finished I start with optimizing my assets and revisioning of the files.

Jekyll for Production

The Jekyll task is quite similar except for two things: I create my site to the production folder and I add another config file as an option (be careful, add no space between two files).

My Jekyll production config just overwrites some values as the url, hide future posts (future: false), or hide drafts (show_drafts: false).


jekyll: {
  development: {
  production: {
    src:    src,
    dest:   production,
    config: '_config.yml,'


var gulp = require("gulp");
var cp = require("child_process");
var browsersync = require("browser-sync");
var config = require("../../config").jekyll.production;

 * Build the Jekyll Site
gulp.task("jekyll:production", function (done) {
  browsersync.notify("Compiling Jekyll (Production)");

  return cp
        "--source=" + config.src,
        "--destination=" + config.dest,
        "--config=" + config.config,
      { stdio: "inherit" }
    .on("close", done);


This concludes the 11th part of my series Introduction to Gulp.js. Today I started to work on the production part of my website, including a server to view the production site and generate a production build of my Jekyll site.

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